
Juliet in act 3 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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Juliet in act 3 scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare One of the most famous plays written by Shakespeare is 'Romeo and Juliet' which was written in the 16th century. The play evolves around these two characters. It is about love, hate and honour of two families-the Montague's and Capulet's. The feud between these two families has been going on for so long that they have currently forgot what they are fighting over. The two characters Romeo and Juliet both suffer from tragic circumstances, I will go into more detail further on in the essay. There are also a few more characters that have a major role in this play. They are Benvolio, Mercutio, Tybalt, Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet …show more content…

This play consists of a lot of dramatic irony, this scene in particular. "Well girl, thou weeps't not so much for his death as the villain lives, which slaughtered him." This is an ironic quote from lady Capulet as she thinks that Juliet wants Romeo (her husband) dead for murdering Tybalt. Infact Juliet is really crying for Romeo. Juliet says this to the audience: "[Aside] Villain and he be many miles asunder- God pardon him! I do, with all my heart" (Act 3 Scene 5) Notice that she only says this to the audience as the stage direction shows this. This quote also proves that Juliet forgives Romeo for killing Tybalt. To make us fell more sympathetic towards Juliet, Shakespeare has her lie to her mother and go along with Lady Capulet: "Ay, madam, from the reach of those my hands; would none but i venge my cousins death"(Act 3 Scene 5) Juliet says that she want to kill Romeo with her own hands, and have revenge for Tybalt, it would be difficult for Juliet to say this about Romeo. Lady Capulet teh says something that has Juliet more worried about Romeo, Lady Capulet says: "we will have vengence for it, fear thou not; then weep no more, i'll send one to

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