
Julio Polanco Identity Essay

Decent Essays

In Julio Polanco’s poem, Identity, the use of repetition reiterates the central theme of freedom through individuality. For example, in numerous occasions the poet refers to himself as a “tall, ugly weed” that can “stand strong and free” (Polanco, 21-22). The repetitive use of an “ugly weed” is utilized to emphasize that the speaker doesn’t feel that he has to live up to the stereotype and standards of what is beautiful in society’s eyes. He believes that he has the freedom to be a unique individual without being self conscious. The speaker seeks to express himself as someone who doesn’t fit the mold and would rather be independant than have everything served to him on a silver platter. In addition, the utilization of an extended metaphor contributes …show more content…

Throughout the poem, Polanco draws the distinction between individuality and conformity by juxtaposing flowers and a weed. For example, the potted flowers are more secure as they are, “always watered, fed, guarded, admired” (Polanco, 2). However being a beautiful plant comes at a cost of being “harnessed by a pot of dirt” (Polanco, 3). On the other hand, the speaker refers to himself as an “ugly weed clinging on cliffs.” That he wants to be “like an eagle wind-wavering above high,jagged rocks” (Polanco 4-5). The pretty, maintained, potted flowers are a metaphor for a group of people who are not truly free. Though they are admired and popular, they are trapped in society perception of them. The pot they are grown in is a metaphor for that trap. With the flowers, we come to see that even though

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