
Julius Caesar Essay: Who Was Caesar A Good Leader?

Decent Essays

What type of leader was Caesar? Julius Caesar was considered to be a great leader. Not only this but a great man. Although his rise to power in Roman society was filled with corruption, bribery and strong arm tactics he did great things once he was in power. He increased the bread and grain rations, forgave the debts of many people and even handed out money to the poor. He knew how to please the people and he put on the most lavish Gladiatorial games the population had ever seen. Not only this but he began building projects to increase the glory of the city and before his brutal murder he was planning invasions into Parthia, now the Middle East. In addition to this he was loved by all his men, they were fiercely loyal to him and followed his every command. This was because he marched by their side, risking his life just as they were, ate the same rations and slept in the same bedding. Unlike any general in history he fought as one of the men and not as some general safe away from the battlefield. This allowed his men to trust him and see that he believed in their cause, so much he was willing to risk his life for it. His actions showed even the common soldiers were more than just pawns on a chess board and he understood they all had families to return to. …show more content…

He conquered huge chunks of land and expanded the empire, not only this but he allowed his soldiers to take anything they wanted from the places they conquered, making some of them very rich men. He also gave the land to the veterans and allowed them to farm it, this provided more food for Rome and gained him the love of his men. Not only was he skilled at waging war he also knew when diplomacy was the best policy; he made Egypt an ally of Rome by solving some internal problems for them, this allowed Rome as a nation to become even more

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