
Julius Caesar Feminist Analysis

Decent Essays

Imagine one on her knees pleading with someone she cares deeply about to confide in them their feelings and troubles. Perhaps it was a family member, a friend, or a significant other with whom she shares a deeply-rooted sentimental connection. What feelings would this evoke? Portia from The Tragedy of Julius Caesar set sail on the same rocky course in the churning seas of emotion. In Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Portia begs her beloved husband Brutus to share what has been consuming his mind, but he simply pushes her away and ignores her earnest requests. However, Portia is not so easily disheartened by her husband’s reluctance to allocate his private affairs. Being a strong-willed and constant wife, she persists to prove her worthiness and devotion to Brutus. Although Portia’s appearance in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is limited and many trivialize her character, she defies gender roles and stereotypes, develops Brutus’ character, and imitates men to add a sense of matriarchy to Shakespeare’s patriarch dominant play. Throughout history, society has viewed women as being inferior to men. Even today we still face issues regarding women's rights and roles in society. When Shakespeare wrote The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, his foremost reason of the incorporation of Portia was to assimilate a feminist aspect within the play. With this purpose in mind, Portia’s character boldly defies gender roles and typical stereotypes for women of the day. Portia

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