
Julius Caesar Research Paper

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A Noble Man vs the People In (I,iii,152)“ O, he sits high in the hearts of the people”. This is a quote from the tragic story of Julius Caesar and is relevant to this paper, because we will look at the characters of Brutus and Antony. This paper will go over two specific parts in the story. The speech of noble Brutus and why and how he justified the killing of Caesar. That compared to the orient speech given by one of Caesar's most loyal followers, Antony. The comparison between the two monologues.That and the difference between them. It will also go over which one won and why. Lastly what the views and thoughts of the people were. let's start with how Brutus saw the situation , the choice between the good and the evil. It all started in (I,ii,25-175) when Cassius was talking to Brutus to see …show more content…

He stared with the same words as Brutus did except he switched the order. He started with the word friends and then Romans. The reason he started with friends was to use pothos and connect right away with there emotion. The one thing that makes humans human is a sense of emotions. Antony continues to use pothos but also in clues fallacies in his orient. Such as in (III,ii, 99) were he attacks Brutus and his creditably. He shows that there was no evidence of ambitious to Caesar for he refused the crown 3 times. At the same time though he called them honorable men as to make it seem that he wasn't attacking them to cover up the fallacy of ad hominem. Another great key point in his plain of pothos is to show the people Caesar's dead body and shows each stab wind and by whom stabbed him. The last major point is Caesar's will, Antony at first doesn't want to tell the people to make them real get riled up and start thinking before he tells them. This is the final nail in the coffin if you will. (III,iii, 243-245) (III,iii,249,254) . It show that Brutus argument was invalid and showed that he had no

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