
Julius Caesar Rhetorical Analysis

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In William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, speakers Antony, Brutus, and Cassius try to persuade an audience using rhetorical techniques and appeals. Brutus and Antony are good speakers, since they completely swayed their audience and used correct appeals, but they didn’t need to put in much effort. Cassius is the most skillful speaker because he focuses on emotional appeals knowing he cannot outsmart Brutus in logic. Cassius makes Brutus feel inferior to Caesar while aiming to gain his trust and get him onto his side. Cassius’s purpose is to get Brutus to join the conspiracy that was created to kill Caesar. Brutus is very educated, logical, and takes great pride in his honor. Also, he’s close to Caesar, which makes him a great figure to have on …show more content…

Cassius flatters Brutus by saying that “[he] know[s] that virtue to be in ... Brutus,/ As well as [he does] know [his] outward favor”(Act.I.ii.97-98). Brutus is so immensely honorable that you can literally see it. Cassius lays down this foundation knowing that Brutus would want to cling to this fact. Subconsciously, he won’t go against what he was praised for since it had a positive effect on him and accentuated his feelings about his honor and pride. This pours into guilt, showing that if Brutus doesn’t join this Conspiracy, then he will lose his dignity and …show more content…

This makes Brutus remember that he has a name to uphold. His ancestor Lucius Junius Brutus was the founder of the Roman Republic. If he stands idly by and watches Rome become tyrannical under Caesar’s ruling, he will lose his glory and his right to his last name. This results in Brutus feeling shame, knowing that if he ultimately doesn’t join the Conspiracy, he will be letting his family name and his honor

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