
June Boyce-Tillman's Hildegard Network

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Life: Hildegard of Bingen, who lived from 1098 to 1179, was the tenth child of a noble couple who promised her to the service of the church as a tithe. At eight years old, Hildegard entered into the Benedictine monastery at Mount St. Disibode to start her formal education. Raised by a religious recluse, Hildegard lived in a stone cell with a single window and took her vows at the age of fourteen. As a child, Hildegard experienced vivid visions, which she kept hidden throughout her childhood. However, these visions intensified later in life and she was reportedly able to foretell the future. At age eighteen, Hildegard took her vows to become a nun. After the death of her teacher, Hildegard became the head of the community at twenty years old. Around the year 1150, she founded her own convent in Rupertsberg, Germany on the Rhine River near Bingen. At age forty-two, Hildegard experienced the mystical vision that transformed her life. After falling ill, she began to record a detailed recount of the vision in her manuscript entitled Scivias, …show more content…

The Hildegard Network is a healing center that specializes in connecting music, healing, spirituality, and theology as well as the studies of women’s role in church music. June Boyce-Tillman is an authority on the music and writings of Hildegard of Bingen and she has written much and spoken on women’s role in music. She has encouraged the promotion of music by women and held composition workshops for women. As a singer and composer of various religious music, including hymns and anthems on feminist liturgical themes, June’s works have been performed around the globe. June is currently a professor of Applied Music at the University of Winchester and a professor at North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa. In 2009, June received an MBE for her services to Music and

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