
June's Lack Of Cultural Background In A Joy Luck Club, By Amy Tan

Decent Essays

As a result of June’s attempted efforts of learning about her past, this leaves her feeling disconnected with her mom and her ways. June’s lack of cultural background begins when her mother is still alive. For instance, when Suyuan says,¨You don’t even know little of me! How can you be me?¨ (Tan 27). In other words, there is an instance where June’s friend says both her and her mother have similar features: the way their hands move and the way they laugh. When June conveys this to her mother, Suyuan is upset because she thinks otherwise- you can’t be similar to someone if you don’t even know them. Put another way, this remark is what hinders June’s confidence- she did feel she knows her mother. If June did miscalculate on how well she knew

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