
Junot Diaz's How To Date A Browngirl

Satisfactory Essays

In Junot Diaz's "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie," a short story originally published in The New Yorker, the main character is undoubtedly a stock character, an exceptionally stereotypical one at best. In the second paragraph, although the "government cheese" line was funny, I found it to be the most stereotypical and borderline offensive of the entire piece. Being Latino, I swiftly recognized those clever Dominican remarks the author slithered in the story. "If she's a white girl you know you'll at least get a hand job": this part gives it away—the character is clearly a young male, perhaps a teenager. Nonetheless, upon reading the story several times, I began noticing how the advice throughout the whole thing stayed

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