
Jupiter : Symphony No. 41

Decent Essays

Symphony No. 41 is one of the last symphonies Mozart composed. Symphony No. 41 was the largest and most complex of his symphonies. The symphony is regarded by many critics as one of the greatest symphonies in classical music. The grand scale of the symphony along with the energy of the piece are what the symphony is known for. It is believed that Mozart was never able to hear this symphony because he passed before it could be performed. The work is nicknamed the Jupiter Symphony. However, the nickname did not stem from Mozart. It comes from a German musician Johann Peter Saloman. It received the nickname because of the emotional style of the piece that is created from the giant instrumentation. It represents the roman god Jupiter and his great power. The first movement of the symphony follows sonata form, but deviates from it by including more modulations.
As the exposition begins the piece starts in C major. In the primary theme, there is a triplet motive that is automatically established. In addition, the dotted rhythm of m. 3 is also motivic and used through the entire movement. Mozart uses very contrasting dynamics in the first couple of measures. The piece opens at forte, but then dies down to piano in m. 3 only to return to forte in m. 5. Mozart also uses silence at the beginning of the movement to emphasize how highly articulated the movement is. As the primary theme continues to be established m.9 introduces a march like quality to stress the

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