
Juror 3 Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Imagine you're in a courtroom with 11 other people deciding the fate of someone's life. In the play, 12 men have to come together and agree on whether or not a 16-year-old boy killed his father or not. Reginald Rose shows us the different benefits and challenges of the Jury system by using all the jurors' perspectives and ideas in the play. In the play, 12 “angry men,” Reginal Rose uses juror 3 to show the challenges in a jury system by demonstrating the bias people have; however, he also illustrates benefits by showcasing different peoples perspectives. Juror 3 displays the challenges of the jury system's proficiency because he came into the courtroom with his own biased thoughts. The other jurors were arguing about the boy's alibi and if they believed it or not, he said “It's the kids. …show more content…

They don't listen.” Juror 3 is comparing the boy to other kids and isn't looking at the facts of the evidence. This is a struggle because it's often hard when jurors are biased towards the defendant. When juror 3 and juror 8 were disagreeing if the boy is guilty or not, juror 3 said "I mean, everybody is starting to bleed for this punk little kid like the president just declared it Love Your Underprivileged brother weak.” This conveys juror 3 is hard to come to an agreement with the other jurors cause he only likes to think about his own perspective. Juror 3 also expresses the benefits of the jury system by using other jurors' perspectives to come up with a final statement. Juror 10 changed his vote and wanted to hear his opinion about the case, so the other jurors were arguing and juror 3 said “Now just listen to this man. He's the only one in the room who knows.” Juror 3 wants to hear other jurors' ideas about the case to come up with a final verdict, which is good because they use everyone's different opinions. While the jurors were arguing about what testimony was true, juror 3 said “And how

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