
Just War In The Cold War

Decent Essays

As a general rule, communism brought little to no quality of life to those under its domain nor did it benefit countries outside of its system. “God moves in mysterious ways” (William Cowper). This quote, although not found in the Bible, accurately describes the Berlin Wall and its collapse. However, God was still able to use it to advance moral and humanitarian procedures that were common durning the time. Towards the end of the twentieth century, individuals on either side of the Cold War began to question if the use of nuclear weapons was ever morally acceptable. Out of this mindset came greater consideration to the “Just War Theory”, which is a vague reference to what conditions constitute fighting a war (Nolte). Unfortunately, during the Cold War, no one was willing to have this talk because they knew deep down that the use of nuclear weapons would hardly ever again be justifiable, and this meant that the U.S. would have to be the first to disarm. …show more content…

Although, if it was not for the Cold War in the first place, there would have been no need to give any concern to nuclear weapons. Hewbrews 8:13 says, “In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away” (ESV). This verse’s original meaning was that the Mosaic Covenant was no longer relevant now that there is a new covenant fulfilled in Christ Jesus. However, if taken into a more modern context, it could be interpreted as communism is the old system of East Berlin, but that is now outdated and is ready to be replaced by capitalism and democracy. Also, both ideas of the new covenants serve as a beacon of hope throughout history and the

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