
Justice System Position Paper

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Justice System Position Paper Dorothy Brockington University Of Phoenix Introduction to Juvenile Justice Timothy Cariker March 5, 2011 Justice system position paper The purpose of this paper is to state my belief that juveniles should and can be rehabilitated. The goals and efforts of rehabilitation are to keep the juvenile offenders out of the correctional facility. Peers impact delinquency in several ways for instance; most teenagers follow their friends do to peer pressure. …show more content…

The juvenile justice system should adopt the focus of rehabilitation verses punishment for reasons such as, when juvenile delinquents are order by a judge to become rehabilitated they tend to learn from their mistake and attempt to make a life change for the better. Most juveniles who committed to becoming rehabilitated have become successful with deterring from criminal activities. In many cases some juvenile delinquents have grown to be productive throughout their teenage years into adulthood after receiving rehabilitation. Rehabilitation has an affect on law enforcement, court process, probation, corrections, community service, and intervention programs for example, within law enforcement most juvenile offenders stand a lesser chance committing a second offense. This would allow the law enforcement to focus on new cases of criminal offenders. In addition to focusing on new offenses, law enforcement can utilize the funding that it would take support the process and use it in other areas most needed. “Almost all federal support for juvenile law enforcement activities comes through grants made to states and local agencies.”(Rabkin, J.N., 1998) Most juveniles are recommended rehabilitation during the court process. Until the juvenile delinquent has meet all requirements set by his or her

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