
Justin Trudeau's Carbon Pricing Analysis

Decent Essays

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took the nation by surprise in October 2016 by stating that each province in Canada will need to adopt a carbon pricing scheme by 2018. In addition, Trudeau added that the only other option for the provincial governments will be to impose a cap and trade system in order to follow the Paris Agreement. Countries that follow the agreement must set their own targets for reducing the carbon gases that they emit into the atmosphere. The main goal is to sustain global warming to be under two degrees Celsius. (Paris Agreement Paragraph 2). Revenues made off of the carbon tax will remain with the provinces and territories of origin. With this taxpayer money, each provincial government can decide how the tariffs are distributed. …show more content…

Addressing the negativity surrounding the announcement, the government posted a statement regarding the situation, “The Government of Canada knows that a sustainable, clean growth economy is necessary for our collective health, prosperity, and security. Canada is committed to creating a cleaner, more innovative economy that reduces emissions and protects our environment, while creating well-paying jobs for the middle class and those working hard to join it.” (Government of Canada Paragraph 1). Clearly, the main focus of this statement is improving our environment’s status into a less polluted world. Although, this environmentally-focused mentality is beneficiary to our entire planet, many cons come into place. For example, Canadians will see everyday products experiencing higher prices. The price of gas will establish an approximate 12 cent/litre increase in addition to the citizens hydro and electric bills. A shift in production could occur as a result of the tax being implemented in Canada which could move their operations to a region with little to no carbon tax. In conclusion, the unemployment rate will increase as their jobs will be going elsewhere. Moving on, a national carbon tax can also have a negative impact on

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