
Essay about Juvenal

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Poor old Juvenal was mugged by yobs, ripped off by his landlord and driven mad by the traffic- sounds familiar doesn’t it? (Ian Hislop).
How far do you consider Juvenal’s satires have any relevance to the modern reader?

Poor old Juvenal was mugged by yobs, ripped off by his landlord and driven mad by the traffic- sounds familiar doesn’t it? (Ian Hislop).
How far do you consider Juvenal’s satires have any relevance to the modern reader?

At the first glance today’s society seems very different to Juvenal’s time. However when examined in greater detail it is possible to see many similarities between the two. In this essay I shall look in particular at crime, class, education, quality of life and discrimination against …show more content…

3 ll.309-310)

Today we can see a similar state of affairs. Prisons are being opened and not shut. Politicians are forever discussing the growing numbers of prisoners and where to put them. This shows that even in our society we have not solved crime. There are still those members of the general public who find it acceptable to commit crimes for their own pleasure, completely disregarding the respect they should have for other people and their belongings.

“there are still cat-burglars in plenty waiting to rob you, or else you’ll be knifed – a quick job – by some street-apache.” (sat. 3 ll.304-305) This is still the status quo within most cities; it is dangerous to go out alone at night and unadvisable to walk through unlit alley ways.
Suspicious characters often lurk in such places waiting to ambush the innocent passer-by and gain advantage and lavishness in their own lives by illegal means:

“gardens, palaces, furniture, those antique silver cups with their prancing repoussé goats – crime paid for the lot of them.” (sat.1 ll.75-77) This leads me on to look at the matter of money. Money has always been an issue for the human mind. It throws up questions of status both in today’s society and for Juvenal. Traditionally in Rome those with more money had higher status both politically and socially and vice versa. Conversely Juvenal thinks this is no longer the

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