
Juvenile Boot Camps Disadvantages

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There are many institutions for criminal juveniles, how are we to know which is actually beneficial and which are a waste of time and resources. In research of these different institutions I have collected a few different approaches when it comes to these institutions. There are advantages and disadvantages to every program that is available but we must look to the numbers to see a program’s worth in its effectiveness. There are a many different types of programs because not every juvenile needs one method of assistant. The wider we cast the net the more we can help. When juveniles are taken to a detention center one must remember that they are being taken from their home and family members and placed into these facilities as we do …show more content…

This is a short-term residential programs that resemble military basic training and target adjudicated juvenile offenders. There is no one definition or structure of how these boot camps are ran because some may be privately owned and depending on their financial ability determines how this boot camp will be. “There are generally three types of boot camps: the military drilling style that focuses on strict discipline; (2) the rehabilitative model; and (3) the educational/vocational model. Juvenile boot camps may employ elements from the rehabilitative and educational/vocational models” ("Juvenile Boot Camps," n.d.). On one hand the cost may be cheaper than housing and feeding a juvenile for months at a time in a detention facility but since boot camps do not show any signs of being effective they do not save any money due to their high recidivism rates. They do not save any money because the likelihood of the juvenile returning for another offence is …show more content…

Generally, these programs can be school- or community-based. These programs offer many different ways of assisting students. After school tutoring at no cost, career/technical education, counseling, parent outreach, and some even offer internships and/or paid employment for students. Giving students a chance to become a successful person may lead to a healthy law abiding citizen. If given the proper tools and assistance these programs work. “(2011) analyzed the effect sizes of 317 unique study samples from 152 studies and found that dropout prevention programs had a significant effect on school dropout (odds ratio=1.72), meaning that students in dropout prevention programs had lower school dropout rates and higher graduation rates compared with the control group students. Further, Tanner–Smith and Wilson (2013) analyzed 24 studies that used a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design and also found a significant effect on school dropout outcomes (odds ratio=1.34). This means that students who participated in dropout prevention programs showed significantly lower dropout rates compared with control group students” ("Dropout Prevention

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