
Juvenile Delinquents

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Juvenile delinquents experience family aggression and violence frequently which can lead to psychological issues of antisocial behavior. Violence within the home is the leading cause of injury to women with the shocking statistics of between 2 million and 4 million women are being battered in their homes yearly. This results in approximately 3.5 million children witnessing this type of violence in their homes. With so many children experiencing witnessing this chronic violence there are certain development effects it has on children, including; truncated moral development, pathological adaption to violence, and identification with the aggressor (McWhirter, 2013). There are currently societal changes occurring within the family that is causing …show more content…

Lastly, is the launching stage where the couple has to separate from their child emotionally and physically as their child becomes a young adult and begins a family life cycle of their own. Throughout each stage a family can go through a fair amount of normal crisis. When moving to one stage to the next, change occurs which proves difficult for some individuals. The majority of the families are able to handle these changes healthily, but for some it comes as a difficult and unruly challenge. This is where family discord or more commonly referred to family dysfunction enters. When a family becomes dysfunctional it can interfere with their family system which can cause detachment, enmeshment, cultural variations, and parenting issues (McWhirter, …show more content…

The results revealed that the youths who had a history of violence with their parents are more likely to belong to a gang, affiliate to a gang, have been psychiatrically hospitalized or medication, have attempted suicide, have come from a non-intact home, and have had trouble relating to either their parents or guardians. This study proves that youth who are raised in a domestic and violent home and exposed to those graphic images they are more likely to get involved in violent gangs. These youths are even more likely to attempt suicide compared to children who were not exposed to violence. It is important to note that these youth also had a difficult time relating to their parents and were more than likely to be raised in home where the parents did not meet the child’s emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical

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