
Juveniolent Crimes Should Be Tried As Adults

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Juveniles with a record of violent offenses should be tried as adults. The crimes that these juveniles have committed are serious enough that they should be tried with one offense, and their age shouldn’t matter. The crimes that fall under violent felonies are included but not limited to murder of the first and second degree, voluntary manslaughter, rape, vehicular manslaughter, assault, kidnapping in the first degree, and robbery. All of these felonies have the intent or known consequence of causing harm to another individual. The factors that lead me to believe that this should be the case, juvenile detention centers are becoming overcrowded, the effect that prison causes on a teen, and how

In 1999 there were approximately 104,000 arrests for violent felonies and of that 16% were committed by juveniles, that’s about 16,640 kids being arrested. The crime rate has seen a decline over the years, this could be attributed to many different factors. Crimes rates have dropped 36% since 1994, the problem with sending them to detention centers is that they are becoming too overcrowded, most juvenile detention centers in the United States are about 25% over capacity (Anderson 74). An example of this is the New Beginnings youth detention center built in 2009, it is supposed to house up 60 youths, but within months filled to over capacity at 80 residents residing in the facility. At some point they won't be able to rehabilitate every single juvenile, because it can cost up to $240

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