
Jy Nir Day In School Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

CM spoke to Eva, Jy'Nir clinician at YCS Laurie Haven this afternoon. CM asks Eva how Jy’Nir is doing in the program. She reports that Jy'Nir had a rough week last week. She reports that he was verbally aggressive towards staff. She also reports that he shut down in family session when they started to discuss his behavior. Eva states that Jy'Nir had an offsite pass but due to his behavior he will have an onsite visit. Eva reports that Jy'Nir started school yesterday. She reports that he received 16 points out of 21 points. She reports that Jy'Nir had a better day in school today. She states that he received 20 points. She reports that Jy’Nir lost points for singing an inappropriate song in school. Eva also informs CM that Jy'Nir threw a toy

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