
Karen Fowler's Face Value

Decent Essays

Face Value
Karen Fowlers story Face Value contains elements which can also be found in events that have occurred through history. For example, during Adolf Hitler’s reign in Germany many of his tactic align with those of a totalitarian state. In a dystopian world, gaining control/ power of an individual over a group occurs when personal identity is destroyed allowing new ideas to be implemented without concern. In Karen Fowler’s short story Face Value, Taki and his wife Hester move to another planet to study the activities and lifestyle of menes. Hester’s motive going to this distant place is surrounded by her poetry and desire for creating communication between herself and the menes. Taki, on the hand, is there to truly understand the mene and in turn have them understand him. Taki and Hester may be the only humans in this distant world and because of that we see Hester lose her sense of self. She cannot deal with constant being watched or having her personal belongings examined and inspected by the mene. Nevertheless, Taki does not mind …show more content…

The events that occurred after he came to power were horrendous. He was able to take control of large groups of people through creating a world of fear. Gaining control and power over others can easily be done if the individuals are not aware or able to fight back. As seen in Face Value, Hester is slowly losing herself and her individuality due to her inability to fight against the menes. In Germany during this time no one was safe. Hitler had an army of men that would carry out his diabolic plan without a second thought. Using propaganda and political gains he was able to maintain this power for quit sometime. In a dystopian world, gaining control/ power of an individual over a group occurs when personal identity is destroyed allowing new ideas to be implemented without

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