Two Unfortunate Women
Kate Chopin has a unique way of portraying women. In the stories “The Storm” and “The Story of an Hour”, Chopin shows the way liberating women handle problems and decisions in their timeframe. You have two women, Calixta and Mrs.Mallard. They both have troubles with their relationships and want change but don’t necessarily choose the right decisions to get out.
Calixta is a loving wife and mother to her four-year-old son named Bibi. Her hobbies include sewing and cleaning the house. She is beautiful with her perfect white complexion, blue eyes, and blonde hair. She seems to be a strong liberating woman who no one would want to argue with, especially if it’s about muddying up the house. One unfortunate thing about her
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Calixta cheated on her husband which shows she doesn’t care for him as much as she implies. Although Calixta showed her affection toward her husband at the end, she shows her real feelings for him when he comes home and she pretends nothing even happened between her and Laballiere. No woman in a happy relationship would cheat on her man. The sad thing is, her husband brings her shrimp from the store he stayed at with Bibi, which shows he really cares about her and thinks about Calixta often. Now, when Mrs.Mallard gets the news about her husband’s death, she is ecstatic about it. She then had the opportunity of freedom for the first time in her life considering her timeframe in the story. No one could blame Mrs.Mallard for acting that way when she was in a controlling relationship. Personally, I think these characters are weak. If they wanted to change their lives and be happy, they should have left their husbands or tried to come to a conclusion instead of waiting for their husbands to die or cheating. I understand at the time, it was probably the only thing they could do because they were women and women weren’t portrayed as strong or independent, but it still doesn’t make their reactions right. Something both characters experienced was nature. Because there was a storm it caused Laballiere to go under the nearest shelter which so happen to be Calixta’s house. And, Mrs.Mallard had an unfortunate heart disease which wasn’t the easiest to cure at her time. Both stories had a sad ending because Calixta never admit to her husband what she had done and Mrs.Mallard died because of her poor
Relationships seem to be the favorite subject of Kate Chopin’s stories. As Margaret Bauer suggests that Chopin is concerned with exploring the “dynamic interrelation between women and men, women and patriarchy, even women and women” (Bauer 146). In “The Story of an Hour” Chopin deals with the subject of marriage. She illustrates the influence of family alliance on individual freedom. According to Wohlpart,“The Story of an Hour” describes the journey of Mrs. Mallard against the Cult of True Womanhood as she slowly becomes aware of her own desires and thus of a feminine self that has long been suppressed”(Wohlpart 2). The Cult of True Womanhood in the XIX century included “purity” and “domesticity”. The former suggested that women must maintain their virtue. The latter – denied them their intellectual and professional capabilities (Papke 12). Being the victim of this Cult, Louise Mallard was a good example of a wife without “her own desires and feminine self”.
Kate Chopin is known for being criticized for empowering the subject of female sexuality and independence. In Chopin’s short story, “The Story of an Hour”, it is placed in a time where men were known as being the head of the household while women were only in charge of raising the children and caring for the home. In the 1890s, women didn’t have so much power to themselves compared to today’s society where female empowerment is frequently encouraged. Chopin’s story narrates a sequence of Mrs. Mallard’s emotions that goes within the motion of the story. As she overcomes the sudden death of her husband, her emotion of grief soon turns into the sudden feeling of freedom, later on emerging into a strong independent woman.
Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour is a great story that conveys an important message about life and how difficult it can be for women, particularly in previous centuries. Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when this story was written, women were quite often mistreated and had to live restricted lives that lacked opportunity. Generally, women weren?t liberated during the 19th century. Traditionally, women did all the hard work in the house and had no opportunities to make their own living or pursue their own personal dreams. Kate Chopin does an outstanding job of portraying a woman living in these times. The Story of an Hour is a good depiction of the unspoken repression that women faced in the past. Kate Chopin's major theme of the
As a forerunner of the modern feminist movement, Kate Chopin explored bold new characterizations of her female subjects. Chopin is famous for her progressive depiction of the female characters in her stories. Two such stories, 'The Storm' and 'The Story of an Hour,' examine and refute the long held ideal of the subservient wife. 'The Storm,' written in 1898 but not published until later because of its provocative content, describes the passionate extramarital affair between Calixta and Alcee, a former lover. 'The Story of an Hour' follows Louise Mallard as she deals with the death of her husband. Chopin uses the extraordinary events in the characters' lives to
Kate Chopin was one of the greatest and earliest feminist writers in history, whose works have inspired some and drawn much criticism from others. Chopin, through her writings, had shown her struggle for freedom and individuality.
The most common element found within both pieces of literature is that both women seem to be greatly selfish. In "The Story of an Hour," Mrs. Mallard seems to be overwhelmed with joy because of her husband's death. Instead of mourning in the loss of her husband, she gloats in the thought of joy and freedom. Chopin writes, "spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days that would be her own." In resemblance to Mrs. Mallard, Calixta is also selfish. Calixta, with very little resistance, fights her temptation to be with Alcée but soon gives in to a sexual affair. Only vaguely do Mrs. Mallard and Calixta show any sympathy for their husbands.
Kate Chopin’s, “The Story of an Hour”, uses the death of Mrs. Mallard’s husband to reveal the female oppression that took place in their marriage. Chopin uses a great deal of symbolism, particularly in the open window, to reveal the theme of the oppression of women in this story. Chopin chose to begin the story with “Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was conflicted with heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death” (Chopin 555). While the reader assumes that Mrs. Mallard has a medical heart condition, anyone who has done a close read of this story can assume that Chopin chose “heart trouble” to symbolize the conflicting feelings Mrs. Mallard
Some similarities of Louise Mallard and Calixta are that they were both in unhappy marriages and longed-for freedom. The two protagonists were free from being housewives and were both finally happy for a brief time. Mrs. Mallard was so unhappy with her husband that she was relieved when she thought her husband had died, because she finally felt free of him. Calixta was so unhappy with her husband Bobinot, that she cheated on him with her former lover Alcee and found a pleasure from Alcee that was missing in her marriage with Bobinot. They also both struggled to find their independence. For example, Calixta went back to her husband and Mrs. Mallard’s husband wasn’t actually dead. Mrs. Mallard died and Calixta stayed with her husband, so their happiness ended quickly.
Feminist American author, Kate Chopin, is known for her stories with strong and daring female lead stories. Her common themes display women, femininity, marriage, liberation, oppression, and perseverance. The Louisiana based novelist famous works started the feminist movement. Chopin’s stories The Story of an Hour and The Storm have many similarities and differences as do the majority of her work. The main characters, Calixta and Mrs. Mallard, both portray an odd attitude towards marriage.
Kate Chopin is writing so many great stories about whatever she sees. Kate has many Wonderful stories such as, (The Storm, Desiree’s Baby, A Pair of Silk Stocking, A Respectable Woman, and The Story of an Hour). There is one story in particular that catches my mind which is “The Storm”. 0In Kate chopin's era, women are seen as nothing more than a wife and have to stay with their husband for life. Chopin shows a dramatic scene between Alcee and Calixta during the time of a storm that is passing by. Chopin states a non judgemental spot about refraining from morals about the purity of marriage especially calixta. Chopin drenches in “The Storm” a strong feminist and makes a good question about marriage.
A Woman Far Ahead of Her Time, by Ann Bail Howard, discusses the nature of the female characters in Kate Chopin’s novel’s and short stories. Howard suggests that the women in Chopin’s stories are longing for independence and feel torn between the feminine duties of a married woman and the freedom associated with self-reliance. Howard’s view is correct to a point, but Chopin’s female characters can be viewed as more radically feminist than Howard realizes. Rather than simply being torn between independent and dependant versions of her personality, “The Story of an Hour’s” Mrs. Mallard actually rejoices in her newfound freedom, and, in the culmination of the story, the position of the woman
In the 1800's married women had to submit to their husbands. Woman who got married had no voice with law. This meant their husbands would have to take legal action for them. Wives did not have any rights to their own property, and they would not have right to wages they earn. But these started to change through feminist women who raised their voice against men. Even though the feminist movement started in the 1960's, there were women ahead of this time that were feminist too. In her short story, "Story of an Hour", and novel "The Awakening", Kate Chopin explores the themes of woman rebellion against their husbands, and woman becoming independent from their husbands. Even though Kate Chopin was born
The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is a short yet complex story, describing Mrs Mallard’s feelings. It focuses on the unfolding emotional state of Mrs Mallard after the news of her husbands death, and has overflowing symbolism and imagery. It is an impressive literary piece that touches the readers’ feelings and mind and allows the reader to have a connection to Mrs Mallard’s emotional process. Although the story is short, it is complete with each word carrying deep sense and meaning. It is written in the 19th century, a time that had highly restrictive gender roles that forbade women to live as they saw fit. Mrs Mallard experiences something not everyone during this time has the luck to have; the happiness of freedom that the reader only
There is no doubt her husband loves and cares for her but her feelings and passion seemed untouched by Bobinot. Before her marriage, Alcee seemed to satisfy her in a way that Bobinot does not, but since she loves her family she represses those feelings. The story of Calixta is saddening to me but as a mother myself, I can understand why she chooses to repress her feelings. Her husband seems to give her no cause to disrupt family life and leave the marriage and she does not make that decision based on pure selfish reasons. Her choice simply relieved her possible frustrations for a while.
In the early 19th century the men of society were dominant, they were considered the caregivers and are responsible for the actions of their women. When a woman would get into trouble they would be sent to their husband or father to be punished. Kate Chopin unlike many women did not have a male figure in her life. As an author she still had to prove herself to society that she was a good writer. Most female writers of that century wrote under a male name so they could be published, Kate Chopin wanted to be known for her work. Mrs. Mallard searches for freedom within her life. She feels trapped in her marriage, and her husband's death is her ticket to freedom. Kate Chopin shows Mrs. Mallard’s desire for freedom through the use of irony.