
Katherine Gittes Quotes

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Gittes makes a plan for Katherine and Evelyn to meet at the butler’s house before fleeing to Mexico. Gittes slips through Escobar's hands with the help of Curly, who promises to assist in getting the two girls to Mexico. Gittes then makes a phone call to Noah Cross, telling him to meet at Evelyn’s house and he has Katherine. When Cross asks him about the girl, Gittes says she is with her mother, revealing his knowledge. Cross is then confronted with evidence(the bifocals belonged to Cross) of him killing Hollis. He immediately evades the question, and states “at the right time and the right place, people are capable of anything”. Mulvihill pulls a gun on Gittes and demands he gives the bifocals. Mulvihill and Cross force Gittes to take them …show more content…

It's Chinatown." The ending scene is very significant and was crafted by mastermind Polanski himself. Robert Towne envisioned a happy ending, with Cross dead and Evelyn alive. However, the simple ending to a complex story added to the beauty of it all. “Course I’m respectable. I’m old. Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough.” This quote from Noah Cross demonstrates early versions of small scale crony capitalism. Although the outside world sees the Albacore Club as a gentlemen’s social club, the club is truly a microcosm of corruption. This corruption could easily be compared to the Water Department and how they created the drought they should’ve been fighting. This ties into Gittes earlier quote of doing as little a possible, even in the end of the film the police ignore the real crimes. This line from Cross also shows how once the public is exposed to an organization long enough they give it respect. The level of comfortability to shocking deeds can be seen today with the Trump administration. The public becomes desensitized over time regardless of how absurd the events become if it is slowly normalized. Noah Cross is a very ironic name, which can be tied to the biblical Noah. Noah was the only man to survive the flood, similar to how he benefitted from manipulating the Water …show more content…

In 1993 Margaret Leslie Davis wrote a book titled Rivers in the Desert: William Mulholland and the Inventing of Los Angeles. In the book, she says the rape in Chinatown is a metaphor for the abuse of the Owens Valley. Many critics agree on the importance of this films contribution to the genre. The film has a 98% on Rotten Tomatoes and an average rating of 9.3/10. Many can agree on one thing, the performances give by Faye Dunaway and Jack Nicholson are what solidified the movie as a classic neo-noir thriller. Jerry Goldsmith composed and recorded the film's score in ten days, and received an Academy Award nomination. The soundtrack is ranked 9th on the American Film Institute's list of the top 25 American film scores. In 1990, Towne, Evans and Nicholson reunited for a sequel, “The Two Jakes,” which was highly unsuccessful. Overall, Chinatown is a very dark and complex movie. The movie illustrates how dark the world can be as thing get worse and worse. Sometimes the public needs to be reminded of the reality we live in and how easily loved ones can be

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