
Katherine Porter Use Imagery In The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall

Decent Essays

Katherine Porter’s “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall” demonstrates that life is fragile and too short to be ignored. The way Porter is able to unveil this is by using literary devices. Porter uses imagery to showcase Granny’s life throughout the years and she also uses symbolism to highlight the important aspects of life events that happened to Granny Weatherall. Porter also uses repetition throughout the story to illustrate the diminishing life of Granny Weatherall. An example of imagery that was used in the story is when Porter is describing the everyday home setting of Granny Weatherall. She describes it as being very organized and neat; everything had its place even the “jelly glasses and brown jugs and white stone-china jars with blue whirligigs”. It shows the reader that Granny led a productive lifestyle and that she was a hard worker throughout the years. Another example of imagery that was shown was the work Granny had to do after her husband’s passing. Granny’s …show more content…

Symbolism in the story plays a key role in not only describing Granny Weatherall life but showcasing the importance of life itself. For Granny Weatherall the color blue was significant because it was mentioned multiple times throughout the story. The first time it was mention was when the author was describing Granny’s home; “Stone-china jars with blue whirligigs and words painted on them” shows the reader the happiness and organized life Granny Weatherall had built herself prior to having children. The second timed the color was mentioned was when the author was describing a flame with a “blue curve”. This paragraph demonstrated that the children were no longer afraid of the dark, thus no longer needing their mother to provide in the way that Granny Weatherall use to provide for her children because they were growing up. And finally the “blue light from Cornelia’s lampshade” enclosed that Granny Weatherall was in her last moments of

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