I have recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Kathie Corwine to discuss her life details. Even though she is my mother and it is her job to use examples from her life to guide me and make mine better I still learned many things I hadn't yet learned about her. I'm going to spare you all of the boring details and get right into it. Born in 1969 in Topeka Kansas with the mother of jimmy sue sells, Kathie Corwine has lived life to the fullest. She shared details about her tomboyish life. These details are both embarrassing and inspiring. “The first one that comes to mind” she shares “is pretty embarrassing, but there is a lesson to be learned here.” The story takes place around the time she was 12 she says. She had worked for months
How does Nowra use the opera Cosi fan Tutte to explore the play’s main ideas?
Born on August 4, 1920 in Winchester Kentucky, Helen was the seventh of nine children. When Helen was a young child the family relocated to Michigan and her father opened his own grocery store to support the family. Helen’s parents instilled in their children the importance of a good education and strong work ethic and Helen was an excellent student. It was during her high school years that Helen decided to become a journalist and was a reporter for her High School newspaper. In Helen’s memoir, she stated that a high school teacher “praised her work” (Thomas 47) which further boosted her confidence in becoming a journalist.
Power and control plays a big role in the lives many. When power is used as a form of control, it leads to depression and misery in the relationship. This is proven through the themes and symbolism used in the stories Lesson before Dying, The fun they had, The strangers that came to town, and Dolls house through the median of three major unsuccessful relationship: racial tension between the African Americans and the caucasians in the novel Lesson before Dying, Doll’s House demonstrates a controlling relationship can be detrimental for both individuals and The Stranger That Came To Town along with The Fun They Had show that when an individual is suppressed by majority they become despondent.
These essays show me how much I lack when it comes to descriptive writing. I often use simple vague words to get my point across quicker rather than taking the time to write about the details about the situation or the people or whatever I may be writing about.
She overcame many struggles, which she always called opportunities from the Lord. And it was those struggles that made her an amazing counselor, mother and friend. She walked hand and hand with many women of our church watching and guiding them to a closer relationship with Jesus. Her personal and professional life was a quest to give back to people what she found in recovery. To teach everyone that life is a series of events the
In her family she was the only one to continue her education past high school. Hearing what it took to make this happen was incredible. When I was in grade school both my grandmother and grandfather took it upon themselves to make a college education account for all us grandkids. They didn’t want to see us struggle like they had to.
Gail Sheehy is a woman who pioneered for women to be able to write stories that were not just about baking, fashion and beauty, and how to be the perfect engineer for family life. She was born and raised in Rochester, New York with a stay-at-home, a salesman dad, and a younger sister (Sheehy, 17). Her sister was born when she was nine and her family dynamic changed. Her father had a female golfing friend who he was having an affair with. Sheehy’s room was stolen from her when her father took the room and she was moved into a twin bed in her mother’s room. The girl’s mom would sometimes be there but was more often than not, instead retreating into the world of non-sobriety. In 1962, her father ran off with a much younger woman and left Sheehy
When Koriwn says that Moses, the prophets, the Apostles, and Christ himself began to speak Armenian, I believe he is saying that Armenian was previously a unknown area and with the spread of God’s gospel they were put on the map and the bible was a tool to spread their culture. Koriwn writes about many types of literature being translated into Armenian by Mashtots and as he translates these works he is sharing gods gospel and the Armenian culture. From the reading it seems as if god used Mashtot’s as a tool and in a way made him one of his disciples.
James Pennebaker argues in his article Ignoring the Content, Celebrating the Style, that the way a person writes can reveal parts of their personality. In the article he specifies the difference between what he calls “content words” and “style words”, the former being those words in a sentence which give it meaning and the latter being the opposite (84- 85). He argues that how these style words are used differs between people and therefore can be a valuable tool for extrapolating bits of their personality. In the beginning of the article he describes a test often administered by psychologists in which people are asked to look at a picture and write down what they see (83). According to Pennebaker, the way a person responds to the picture can
She would always help my mom with me. I would say one of the main things I’ve learned from her is to be friends with people who make you a better person. She would ask, “would you rather be a better person than you are now or become lesser?” Yes, as a young girl I could only understand to a point. At one point in middle school I realized what she truly meant. I was a extremely shy girl and making friends were hard. As this shy girl I was more likely be by myself so I saw how others would act and talk. It brought a new light to my eyes. When I started making friends I made sure they were people that were kind and truthful people. These people are still my friends today and honestly made me a better
If you’re like a lot of other talented aspiring writers, you probably dream of seeing your name on the cover of a book someday, but getting an agent is expensive, and writing pitch after pitch can become disheartening. The community at LCG Publishing, LLC, an innovative publishing group based in Brooklyn, NY, is changing the way books get made, and they can help you get your words out there.
The three ways that one’s Christian faith motivates him or her towards excellence in writing would be faith, honesty, and loving others. Humanity since the start has communicated through various types of writing. Writing has advanced from the stone age period of drawing into something that progressions a man's thought. History has shown that writing is essential in reaching the intended audience. For example, Biggs stated that, “when an officer develops a reputation as a good report writer, others look to her or him as a mentor. The struggling officers tend to emulate the writing style of the “good writer” and begin to use the same phraseology and word choice,” (Biggs, 2016). In light of the content and presentation of writing one may form
When asked about an impactful person in my life, my mother always comes to mind. It’s not at all surprising to hear that the person who raised me helped determine my life, but sometimes it’s rather
For this project I interviewed my mom, Lynn Pasko. During the course of doing this project and going through the questions, it made me realize how much I didn’t know about my mother. It never occurred to me how times have changed and how different things are now. I learned a lot about my mother that I did not know. Some of these include how my mother moved schools every year of her schooling up until her last half of junior year. I couldn’t imagine having to go to a new school every year. Not to mention how many friends she lost contact with and how hard it was to be the new kid every year. Another thing that had really surprised me was the hardest that she had to do. The hardest thing my mother had to do was after 9/11 happened, she had to write goodbye letters to my sister and I in case anything had happened to them on their way to Hawaii. Both my mother and father thought about taking different planes just incase if something happened to one of them, the other would still be there for me and my sister.
Many people believe that material things will bring you peace and happiness. That is not always that case though.Everyone at some point in their life had gone through something that they thought would have a major positive impact on their life, but ultimately, it affected them very negatively. These can include anything from money, to power, even to women. Bernard Malamud explains these example in his book, The Natural, with his character, Roy Hobbs. Roy is the Knights star baseball player, when all goes wrong. He starts to chase different women, believing that those people will lead him to happiness in the end. Roy Hobbs is the main character in the book, The Natural, who finds himself in tough situations, and finally discovers that what he wanted from the start, won’t actually make him happy in the end.