
Katy Perry Research Paper

Decent Essays

Katy Perry's Coming over the Rainbow

"After a hurricane comes a rainbow," this is what Katy Perry states from one of her longest top hits 'Firework' which is sure to be a classic in years to come. Perry has some of the best songs around. They are catchy, fun and bright. Even though Katy has been through rough times she still manages to capture our hearts with her quirky and fun features. She writes about all of her troubles and experiences along the way, even the little things, but she still makes them sound good. Some of her problems are people being afraid of who they really are instead of showing our inner beauty and being our self because no one else in the world can be us. Another problem was her divorce with Russell Brand in 2011 because …show more content…

KP says that in her childhood she wasn't allowed to listen to any rock or popular music and was only allowed to listen to the soundtracks of Sister Act 1 and 2. Katy Perry first started taking singing lessons at the age of nine and then started singing religious songs in public at the age of 12. Perry released her first album at the age of 15 which was a gospel album that had around 100 listeners but sadly that dream had a closed door due to the label going bankrupt. Katy Perry loves her family very much and has always wanted to be on stage; she would sing everywhere in public, at home and even at school. Her Grandma stated, ''She was a show off, '' and Katy Perry said, "I know I …show more content…

We also don't see bad press about Perry often. Be honest most of us haven't heard any bad things about Katy? Though Most people have hear one rumour about Katy Perry and Taylor swift and having bad blood. Taylor wrote a song about Katy, and shows us in the film clip that the best of friends can turn on each other and stab one another I the back. Apart from a couple more bad press bumps Perry is usually only seen in bright opening doors such as starring on Ellen and being in magazines such as Popsugar, Total Girl, Vogue, Daily Telegraph and Rolling Stones. Let's hope that Katy Perry keeps on bringing her good vibes to the

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