
Kay's Poem: An Analysis Of The Wonder Woman

Decent Essays

In this poem, the poet is also the speaker who recounts it in a monolog. She speaks as the mother who discusses life lessons with her daughter. First she ensures her daughter that by calling her “point B” instead of “mom” she would know that “no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me.” this alternative name for the mother is the metaphor of a safe place, a reference point where her daughter can reach out to in her hour of need. Then she goes on to tell her daughter about agonies and adversities she is going to experience in her life. That “this life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach.” Nevertheless, she reminds her daughter that facing each difficulty “is …show more content…

So the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn't coming, I'll make sure she knows she doesn't have to wear the cape all by herself.” This also is an example of being her daughter’s ‘point B’ who encourages her to face her problems like a heroine. Kay discusses various struggles that any young person may encounter in his or her life. After discussing each one, however, she offers words of support and comfort. An example of this sequence is when she talks about her daughter “smelling for smoke” and put herself in trouble to “save” or “change” the boy who “lit the fire in the first …show more content…

It points to the fact that in spite of parents’ advice, children will always do what they want. Thus she will allow her child to be who she really is; instead, she will always be there to support her regardless of the situation. She then represents this world in a metaphor of sugar, a world of momentary happiness that “can crumble so easily” with difficulties and hardship. However, she encourages her daughter to “stick your tongue out and taste it.” she tries to impart to her the courage to enjoy life in spite of its complications. In the end of the poem, Kay offers her last piece of advice to her imaginary daughter. She invites her child to be open and accepting toward herself and her feelings. She asks her daughter not to “apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining.” and encourages her to be who she is with no shame or regret. Finally reassuring her daughter that “when they hand you heartache, when they slip war and hatred under your door …” she will always be there to fight for her when she cannot fight

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