
Keats And Longfellow Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

The imminence of death can prove to be a more of a deterring factor from fulfillment than death itself. In the poems “When I Have Fears” by John Keats and “Mezzo Cammin” by Henry Longfellow, both poets reflect on their fear of death, however, Keats regrets that he may not fulfill his goals before death, while longfellow regrets that he did not fulfill his goals in the past. In this contrast between past and future, Longfellow looks back on all that he missed while living a comfortable youth and Keats is fearful that he may not experience all the world has to offer yet is hopeful that he will have a chance.
John Keats’s poem begins with “when I have fears that I may cease to be”, bluntly asking what would happened if he died today. He asks himself …show more content…

Both men feel that time is escaping them. While keats is fearful that time is moving too quickly for him to accomplish anything, Longfellow fears he has wasted his time: “half of life is gone”. The difference is that Keats is hopeful that he has the chance to accomplish something. Keats begins each line with a dependent clause, leaving room for possibility, possibility that his life can become anything if he wills it. He also includes metaphors to represent the possibility of his success in his writing with “high-piled books”. This presence of hope is what differentiates Keats from Longfellow. In the middle of the of “When I Have Fears”, Keats has a change in tone which also illustrates his hopefulness. He admires the mystery and power of love with its “shadows” and “magic hand of chance”. His enchantment of the concept reiterates his youthfulness and ignorance to life. While Keats longs for love, Longfellow has “sorrow” from “care that almost killed” him. Longfellow was able to experience love in his past yet was unhappy with its outcome. Therefore, Keats is in desperation for love as a symbol of fulfillment, and Longfellow regrets that love has taken away his time ergo not having achieved his

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