
Keith Movie

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Dying is inevitable. Eventually, every one of us will die, and it will never be at a convenient time. In my favorite movie Keith, Natalie is a 17-year-old who thinks she has her life figured out until she meets Keith. He's the town's new social outcast and is hiding a crucial secret; he’s dying. Throughout the movie, we experience excitement, drama, and nail-biting suspense wrapped around a classic romance plot while learning many life lessons.

One of the reasons Keith is such an amazing movie is because of one of the messages that is portrayed. I watched the character Natalie go from having everything she wanted in life to losing it all when she fell into heartbroken misery after the revelation of the boy she loves impending death. Keith changed her calculated life in every way imaginable, and even though he inflicted so much pain and sorrow, she wouldn't change a thing. He gave her something she didn't even know was possible, an endless love. Through Natalie’s experience, we are taught that plans change, obstacles are thrown across the path of our goals, and sometimes when everything goes wrong you end up better off. …show more content…

The film doesn’t ever show him cancer free, but throughout the whole movie we see him having fun, going on adventures, falling in love, and cracking many jokes. A lot of people who find themselves in situations much like Keith's let themselves fall into a depression and tend to shut themselves off from the rest of the world, but the exact opposite is true for him. He used the short span of time he had left and made it worthwhile. I believe a lot of people could learn something from

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