
Kevonna-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

After checking on dinner Katt calls for KeVonna. the youngest of the girls however she was 9 years older than Kyngston the baby boy. Happy to be called away from her sisters bickering over who helped the most in the house. Knowing She never could seriously argue on her own behalf. "Yeah momma!" she gleamed as she looked at the food being prepared. her large eyes smiling with excitement. under a huge messy bun of curly hair were plump cheeks on a round face helped convey a youthful look of innocence. She was skilled at using it o her advantage as Katt found it difficult to look at her and stay angry. KeVonna having to always say what's on her mind without thinking usually got away with it. actually everyone let her get away with a lot of things. …show more content…

"Get Kyngston". she tells Kylie she grabs the highchair and pulls it close to the table between her and momma. At the dinner table Kyra took turns feeding her little brother with her mom. not because she had to. but because she felt the need to do things for her brother and sisters. after all she was 14 and being the oldest meant a lot to her. she shared big cheeks wit her sister KeVonna as well as small pouty lips. but her eyes were smaller as well as the bun she wore on her head. despite her being the tallest in the house. her face made her look 12. she naturally assumed the leadership role even when she probably shouldn't. Katt was grateful to have her around. She kept her sisters inline and helped as much as she could with kyngston.

All the K children tried to work together to make sure that their mother didn't have to work too hard to keep order in the house. and they all played well together. Kyra never minded doing extra work while KeVonna always had the energy to go further distances for things that were needed. Kylie was thoughtful and always could tell when someone could use some kind of help, and would get everyone to pitch in to cheer them up. Everyone was drawn to Kyngston stranger always stopped and said he looked wise beyond his

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