
Kids Suffering In Today's Generation

Decent Essays

Are kids’ in today’s generation really better writers than those in the generations before them? Today’s kids spend the majority of their time using technology and the internet, and many people say that all of this time spent with technology is making the kids that use it suffer. But the question is, are these kids really suffering or are they benefitting? Technology gives today’s kids an advantage when it comes to writing and because of technology their writing is exposed to audiences, they write more and they are better writers than many generations before them.
The first effect of technology is that it is causing kids to write more than the kids before them did. Kids in today’s time use technology every day and when using this technology …show more content…

Before technology and the Internet were introduced, people usually never wrote anything down other than when they were in school, unless they had a job that required them to produce text (Kennedy 854). But, even with people having jobs that required them to write the amount of writing that they had to did is not nearly as much as the writing we do today with technology. Unlike generations in the past where they only wrote at school technology is making people write more paragraphs and construct sentences outside of just school work. Text messages and emails created through technology and the internet make people think out what they are going to say and actually write/type them down, whereas a conversation face to face requires no writing and whatever a person thinks just comes right out of their mouth. Also, blog posts and other posts on social media sites are ways that kids and adults are able to express their ideas and opinions around the world and in order to do that those people have to type out what they want others to “hear”

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