
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

Good Essays

“The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt” (Max Lerner). As children begin the process of growing up they have to go difficult times and periods in order to become an adult. Even though the events may hurt, they still gain strength from those events and when then find that strength, then they begin to truly grow up. This lesson is learned throughout Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. The story takes place in the 1930s in the small town Maycomb County, Alabama. The main character Scout starts the story out as a young girl who behaves as a tom-boy and she favors fighting rather than talking out her feelings. Scout’s father Atticus is trying to teach her how to mature, but it is a long process. Her older brother Jem and their best friend Dill contribute toward her staying immature by messing around with the neighbors, specifically the Radley’s. They become fascinated with the mysterious son, Arthur (Boo) Radley. But overtime, he becomes insignificant because of Atticus’s job and the stress that it puts on the family after he takes a difficult case. As a result of this case Scout matures faster than normal because of the difficult material. Throughout the novel, Scout becomes more mature causing her to strengthen her compassion toward others, which shows how through growing up, people experience situations that cause them to understand the appropriate way to act.
During Scouts transition

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