
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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To Kill A Mockingbird Growing up is an important part of life that we look forward to, as becoming an adult seems exciting, but realizing the truth may be difficult. In the novel, “To Kill A Mockingbird,” Harper Lee shows the significance of growing up through his literature. Lee shows this through one of the protagonist in the novel, Scout looses her innocence as she discovers the harsh reality of society. In addition, her younger brother Jem also learns from his experiences, as he gains a new perspective and point of view from others. Scout and Jem also grow from their encounter and relation with Boo Radley. The two siblings both go through an emotional growing up development, as they learn from past experiences and see the world in a different way. One will lose their innocence from experiences that will change their point of view of things, but also gain wisdom and knowledge as it leads to the result of growing up. Throughout the novel, Scout begins to learn and understand the true realities of the world around her, which causes her to grow and mature as a person. For example, Scout sees as how her community is inequitable and unfair towards the trial of Tom Robinson and Mayella Ewell, as he was accused of rape. As Atticus is talking to Scout and Jem after the trial he says, "There 's something in our world that makes men lose their heads --they couldn 't be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it 's a white man 's word against a black man 's, the white man always

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