
Killer Bees

Decent Essays

What is an invasive species? An invasive species is a plant, fungi, animal

ect. That is not native to the current region it has inhabited, A invasive

species has the tendency or behavior to spread and cause damage to a

ecosystem, environment, human economy or human health, but they are not

always harmful sometimes they can be helpful or neutral. The invasive species

that im and researching on currently is the Africanized Honey Bee or “Killer

bee.” These bees are around ¾ a inch in height and weigh an average up to 90

milligrams, They are brownish in color with black stripes that aren't as

distinct as those on wasps or hornets. They have four clear wings that are

attached to the thorax, which is the middle section of the body. …show more content…

As of 2002 Killer bees have invaded all the areas stated in the

previous paragraph such as Brazil south to northern

Argentina and north to Central America, Trinidad (West Indies), Mexico,

Texas, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Florida, and southern California.

Killer bees got to these invaded locations because in an effort to increase

honey production 26 swarms of killer bees escaped quarantine since then the

species had spread throughout South America and arrived in north America in 1985.

We have been trying to stop these bees, there are people trying to track them

down and trying to eliminate this species off the planet, we are doing this

because killer bees will kill humans and animals if they intrude their

territory or there area that there home/hive is in. for example the state

senate of texas was on a request for $197,000 to help track down and kill all the Killer Bees.

This species has spread through all these different locations because of them

taking over bee colonies and other areas by fighting of and killing the

animals in such locations. Not just that but they also have been

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