
Killing Their Innocence

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Killing Their Innocence
So here I was, watching a couple of kids, a brother (9) and a sister (11), during the Super Bowl this year while their parents were downstairs watching the game. We were playing the board game “LIFE”. All was going well, and then the brother (we’ll call him Sam) got bored as kids do. So Sam pulled out his iPhone and started looking for an app to appease his boredom. Before I knew it, Sam opened a gun app. This application allows the user to select any type of gun, ranging from hand pistols to machine guns, and make it “shoot” by shaking the phone which is augmented by the camera flash going off each time the gun fires. My blood ran cold as I watched him “play around” and “shoot” his sister. The only thing missing from the reality of shooting someone for this precious boy was the bullet ripping through his loved one. It was all I could do to stop him from running downstairs and pretend to kill his dad with an AK 47.
We eventually moved on to a kid-friendly movie as Sam again grew bored, but the affect does not end there. To this day, this event still haunts my conscience. How do we as society come to see our youth play-shooting family members as normal?! This is unacceptable! And here is where I take my stand: We as the role models for the next generation need to stop standing idly by as our children become more and more desensitized to wanton violence in our media.

In the long run, apps and games have a strong, long-lasting effect on the youth of

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