
Kim Kardashian-West's Role In Hollywood

Decent Essays

Kim Kardashian-West is a very prominent figure of our time. Her road to fame led her to a role in society that is constantly questioned by the media and the public. Many are unsure of how she got so powerful and so influential. However, regardless of how she got to where she is in society, the important idea is what she has chosen to do with said power, and how it influences her. On the individual level, Kim operates a fair amount. However, she did most of it in the earlier part of her career. On the individual level, we have those who create for themselves, and call their own shots. Kim Kardashian was just starting out, and found her way into the circle of fame for good when she was caught filming a sex tape with famous singer, Ray J. Since …show more content…

Kim acts on the organizational level more than ever before, in order to protect her family, also known as the Kardashian Empire. The organizational level is more constricting than the individual, because you are part of an organization, whose name you have to constantly uphold. In a video interview with “Wall Street Journal”, Kim and her sisters, Khloe and Kourtney, talk about the how the Kardashian brand made its start and how she successfully stays on track with her career. Kim states, “When people say that having a brand like this, we’ve gotten lucky, and stuff like that, I think that this doesn’t come easy, we work really hard, and if it was easy…everyone could do it” and later says, “the show is our commercial, the show is our platform… a platform to be able to design and create a brand for ourselves” (Wall Street Journal). From the very beginning, it was clear that the show helped with her rise to fame. But these days, Kim lives in that brand and will do anything to protect it. Kim is completely controlled by the structures of society. Under the public eye, everything you do is monitored and therefore, there is no agency. There is no free will to operate under, as long as the public is not approving of your specific values and beliefs. Kim Kardashian is known to be opinionated, but don’t let that fool you, she is only opinionated

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