
King Galahor Get His Name Analysis

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The year was 1275 of the Third Age when the dark sorcerer Mondain and his students slew Emperor Vaserd Atridius and his entire line of heirs; leaving the northern empire of Budalia in shambles. Seven warriors from each of the seven provinces of the old empire banded together and destroyed Mondain and his vile legion. The seven warriors then divided his magic rod into seven parts, to be distributed among them evenly so that no one person may ever claim them and cause disparity to the world ever again. The descendents of these seven would be known as the kings of what were once the provinces of Budalia, now separate nations who unite under a sacred pact forged by their forefathers. And so it is written that the Pact of the Seven shall unite …show more content…

Clerics and healers from all over Sosaria and the neighboring isles have come to see him, but magic can only do so much for what ails him. His eldest heir, whom he groomed from birth to take his place, obviously lays dead. His second eldest who marched to fight alongside his countrymen in Nostora, Lanner, has recently been presumed missing when his encampment was raided in the night over two months ago. This leaves poor, mild-mannered Travan, the youngest of Trytas’s sons. The boy has shown little to no interest in something his older brothers so desperately competed over, preferring to spend his days reading about magic and dead gods, hardly the typical fair for a Belawain.
Despite this, my liege would rather that his own line takes the throne in the event of his death than his younger brother Jorvan. Though I have met the man a number of times myself, he does not strike me as being of the same ilk as his brother. Trytas is atypical for a king, preferring to visit with his subjects when he can and strengthening the resolve of his people. Jorvan, on the other hand, is a foppish git who runs a backwoods town and thinks himself to be the proper heir to an entire bloody kingdom. In truth, these traits would make for an excellent successor to any king, but not for the likes of

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