
King Henry V Character Analysis

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A loved and feared leader must surely exist, no? Perhaps he is unpredictable and reasonable in many situations? According to Niccolo Machiavelli, he believes that such a leader can unite his people, however, he conjectures that fear is better as it is the “safest” way to rule. Nevertheless, it all comes down to a ruler’s actions that influence a person to conclude their ruler is a good ruler, and Machiavelli has his own standards that define such a ruler. Shakespeare has the perfect example of this, King Henry V from his play “Henry V”. Throughout the play, Henry’s advisers expected him to handle all situations like an indifferent king. Instead, he takes the risk of uniqueness and gets his word across the people through his symbolical and yet radical actions. He matches Machiavelli’s propositions since his facets convince people to fear and love him; but at the same time, is mindful of his actions. Therefore, Henry has three essential traits that make him a loved, feared, Machiavellian ruler: he is devoted to his military operations and is confident in his soldiers, he is resourceful, and he is merciful and cruel when necessary.
When Henry wages war, he is committed, and when Henry commands an army, he is never boastful or careless of them. In such case, his rhetoric and charismatic abilities encourage his army to keep on fighting, and he “take[s] up quarters, lead[s] armies, plan[s] battles and lay[s] siege to towns with advantage,” as Machiavelli would describe his ideal

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