
King Lear Evil Vs Evil

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Second, there is nothing wrong with being a villain if society mistreats the evil character. Although society should be against evilness, a villain may justifiably perform evil acts if he is not treated fairly by society. King Lear, a play that involves the theme of man versus nature, is a perfect example of this. Edmund, one of the main evil characters in the play, must overcome the social ridicule that comes with being a bastard. In the beginning of the play, Edmund should not be blamed for how evil he acts since society refuses to respect his dignity. It seems that since Edmund has no one with whom he can reveal his evil deeds, he likes to express his feelings and plans out to the audience. As Cindy Erdin explains:
[Villains] use soliloquies …show more content…

Despite the fact that he was “manmade”, he is opposing to the belief that God has created only legitimate people. In this passage, Edmund repetitively uses the word ‘legitimate’ which has various connotations. Anthony Gilbert explains that the word legitimate is “derived by its adoption from medieval Latin legitimatus, "my legiti- mate," that is, my 'legal' fellow, partner, equal, silently breaking yet another word up into its syllables” (Gilbert 9). This means that when Edmund says ‘my legitimate’, he is explaining to the audience that his brother is his legally equal partner. To Edmund, it does not matter if either brother was born with unmarried parents because all he wanted was the same respect that Edgar gets from his own father. This shows that Edmund chose the evil path to obtain his legal rights because he does not want to be treated as subordinate to a person who has the same sense of honor as …show more content…

In fact, some acts seem impossible to reenact in real life because it makes the audience think about if some villains are really life-like to them. In any case, exploring the villains’ purpose and development throughout stories are important as they assist the audience in understanding why evil characters deserve to be where they end up. For this reason, villains can still have the right motives to perform evil acts as long as they are not too observed in themselves. In specific, the villains can only act evil towards the characters that have done something unjustifiably against them. However, in most cases, if villains are taking their evil out on characters that never wronged them, then they prove why evil characters never triumph in the end. In Othello and King Lear, Iago and Edmund were fascinating characters to dissect because they are both evil in their own way. With Iago, the audience can see that he is the greatest manipulator of mankind and he enjoys interacting with them. Moreover, Iago is able to entertain the audience with his practical jokes but in the end, he gets carried away with his hatred on innocent women and causes a bloodbath. On the other hand, Edmund had a much serious conflict to deal with as he is fighting for his social rights when it comes to being a bastard. Although he

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