
King Pellinore In The Once And Future King

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“Only a Pellinore can catch it--- that is, of course, or his next of kin. Train all the Pellinores with that idea in mind. Limited eddication, rather. Fewmets, and all that” (White 23). King Pellinore is a minor character with some major roles in T.H. White’s The Once and Future King. King Pellinore shows many different personality traits in the novel. King Pellinore is comical, virtuous, and dedicated. To begin with, King Pellinore is comical in The Once and Future King. King Pellinore’s comical side is displayed widely throughout the novel. King Pellinore’s appearance is shown as a comical one. When Pellinore lifted up his visor, it revealed, “two enormous eyes frosted like ice” (White 22). These “eyes” turned out to be spectacles that were, “fogged by being inside the helmet” (White 22). King Pellinore’s appearance was further established as comical when his helmet’s visor continuously kept closing. King Pellinore is also shown as comical through his clumsiness. When Wart first meets Pellinore, Pellinore nearly falls off his horse. He also dropped his lance and his spectacles. As he bends over to get his items, his visor continues to shut. This adds to King Pellinore’s comical characteristic. Additionally, King Pellinore is virtuous …show more content…

King Pellinore is most dedicated to his expedition. He has been dedicated to hunting the Questing Beast for a long period of time. “Funny thing that. Now I have been lost for seventeen years” (White 22). He has dedicated seventeen years of his life to hunting the Questing Beast. He also shows dedication to his expedition when he has the chance to kill the Questing Beast. Instead of ending his lifelong quest, he allows it to continue by caring for the Questing Beast when it is unwell. This shows that Pellinore is dedicated to what he does best, hunting the Questing

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