
King Tut: A Genetic Analysis

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Tut's parents were siblings which means the genetics killed the wealthy king, King Tut! According to the new york times article, King Tut's family goes back farther than his grandparents that died of malaria. Most people say he died of Malaria. King Tut family goes back in Malaria so it makes sense to have it which is also sorta genetics. As the video we watched in class says Tut couldn't even stand upright on a chariot. Tut had a foot disorder called clubfoot, which only allowed certain ways to stand and etc. In the text of the new york times article it states, “Several mummies instances of cleft palate, clubfoot, flat feet, and bone degeneration.” Also “four of the 11 mummies including King Tut, had genetic traces of malaria tropica” which

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