
King Tut Essay

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King Tutankhamen The Boy King
King Tutankhamen ,or King Tut, was one of the youngest kings to reign over any country. “The Boy King'; is best remembered for his magnificent funeral treasures, including his elaborate golden burial mask. King Tut achieved a measure of immortality through his glittering burial treasures.
King Tut was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty who reigned from about 1348 to 1339 BC. His name can be spelled a variety of ways including Tutankhamen, Tutankhamon, or Tutankhamun. There is an enigma, though, surrounding his name. Researchers have no idea where it came from because his parents are unknown. He became king during the period of readjustment that followed the death …show more content…

Tutankhamen died before he was twenty, as his mummy shows, and was buried in the Valley of the Kings in a tomb that originally had been prepared for his advisor Ay. Tut left no heir to succeed him and an important and powerful official, Ay, became pharaoh. About ten years after his death, thieves broke into his tomb and ransacked the antechamber. But the tomb, resealed and eventually covered over with rubble, was not touched again until modern times-although by 1000BC every other sepulcher in the Valley had been robbed.
Few sites in the ancient world held as much wealth as the Royal Valley, and nearby villagers made a profession of robbing the tombs almost before the doors were sealed. the laborers who built the tombs- and even high officials- shared in the plunder. In a vain attempt to safeguard the royal burial chambers, architects sank the crypts deep into secret recesses and sealed tomb entrances. But despite armies of guards, and watchman who made regular checks to see that the crypts were sealed, the tombs were violated. Thieves stole anything they could get- even the statues of gods they worshipped.
For more than a score of centuries, archeologists, tourists and tomb robbers have searched for the burial places of Egypt’s pharaohs. Almost none of these tombs, storehouses of treasure, went

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