
King Tut Research Paper

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The Mummy With the Curse
Is the curse of breaking into King Tut’s tomb the cause of death to a dozen men or could it be coincidence? In egyptian times when a king would die they would be wrapped in cloth and put into a large coffin, it was believed that the mummies of ancient Egyptian persons, especially the Pharaohs were not to be disturbed and anyone who did that would face a curse. A curse of which anyone who broke into a Pharaoh's tomb would be cursed to serious illness or death. King Tut’s tomb should have never been entered and excavated because it is cursed, anyone who steals the young kings loot was cursed forever. King Tutankhamun (c. 1341 B.C.E. to c. 1323 B.C.E.),was the twelfth pharaoh of the eighteenth Egyptian dynasty. He …show more content…

There are many different theories as to how he died and all of them continue to be controversial topics. It is speculated with theories that King Tut’s death at age nineteen came courtesy of a blow to the head, inflicted perhaps by a murderous rival. More recently however, experts have determined that the damage to his mummy’s skull occurred after death. This could have been possibly during excavation/extraction in the 1920’s when British archaeologist Howard Carter and his team discovered the hidden tomb. So nobody really knows how the young teen died, but recent studies have shown that Tut could have very possibly died from more natural causes. Another theory about the death of king Tut is that he died from an unfortunate illness that he was stricken with. “This has been studied throughout the years and has even been linked to a broken leg that the remains of king Tut show evidence of” (The Mystery of King Tut's Death, Cram). Gangrene could have been the infection that took over Tut's broken leg and slowly put him to death by decomposing his body as the infection spread. Some say this injury could have been from wrecking his chariot during a hunt

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