
King Tut: Ruler Of Egypt

Decent Essays

King Tut the boy king became the ruler of Egypt at the age of 9.King Tut died at the age of 19.Howard Carter discovered his body in 1982.In his tomb there were a lot of valuable objects even his underwear. His tomb remained untouched for over 3,000 years, King Tut lived a hard life but his death is horrific. Imagine becoming the ruler of Egypt at the age of 9,well that was King Tut TUT-ANK-HAMUN who was named after his father AKH-ENA-TEN. When King Tut got older he rejected his fathers religion and went back to the old Gods and became a hero in Egypt .He stopped the Nubia result and led his people into battle , King Tut played a key role in the army. He married his sister Ankhesenamun to keep the royal tree going. In King Tuts tomb there

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