
Kingdom Of Dresenalt Analysis

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Kingdom of Dresenalt 2 The council of elders gathered throughout the land, seeking the knowledge of the ancient writings. They all could hear the whispers in the wind, revealing to them that the time draws close. Daphne, the oldest overseer of the elders, pounded his staff onto the wooden floor of the council room, “We prayed are fears were wrong. That the most ancient one’s, who foretold the future, were wrong.” The elder of the highland Macomb, in a loud stern voice, which echoed through the room, “They have never been wrong, unfortunately it will be as the ancient has foretold. Open the book of the ancient, and read Daphne.” You can …show more content…

The dragons will receive her taking her in as one of them. They will give her, their knowledge and awaken the power of the spirit to control the elements of Earth and Heaven. Her hair fired red, with strands of brown of the earth, and gold from the stars, her eyes will be the brilliant color of emerald green. You will recognize her, from the mark of the dragon and sword on her back, of the fifth kingdom. She’s been known by many names throughout the history of your world, and angel, and a demon. The spirit in her has seen this evil that wants to consume the world of light. Elder Trogon, “Your to tell us are only hope lies with this child. What can this child do against a power that is so strong that the ancient could not defeat it, there is no hope, I tell you?” Daphne, “There is always hope let me finish reading damn it. All of you sit back down; we defeated them once we will do it again.” “Yes, we defeated them and sent them back, but we did not destroy the evil it is this evil that we need to destroy How many years and lives did it take to do that? The ancient are all dead, there is no way they can help us now. …show more content…

Far to the north, no one knows where it is for sure. No, one even the bravest of men have ever returned from there, for they fade away in the dust storms that arise out of nowhere. The land looked on with wild devastation and hate, so arid that it supports sparse vegetation. Unsuitable for humans to inhabit, so dry, the sun so hot, the skin burns and blisters in a short time, the wind blows mercilessly there, pitting the skin, a land that seems lifeless. This Dark Empire contains, grotesque spirits hidden deep beneath the surface. These souls and spirits there are malevolent toward man. They find tremendous pleasure in the torture of humans. They will cause dreadful mishaps to occur, for their disgusting ways. The smell of cold stone, dampness, and mold sickly lingers through the underground tunnels of their world. A coal black castle rises out of the earth, where the sorcerer lives. The sorcerer who, proclaims himself as their king. His cruelty and greed spiral beyond comprehension. The stolen souls of the dead are what make up the vastness of their army. The animal beast they do whatever they want. The Animal beast has no feeling for others. This is where this child will grow up. The dragons will name her Dragonet. Daphne skin has turned gray his eyes have a drawn look to them as he closes the

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