
Knowledge In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In the United States, everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Three aspects to living a productive life. Ray Bradbury was an American fiction writer who lived August 22, 1920 through June 5, 2012. When he was twelve years old he began to visit the library pretty often. He wrote every single day of his life since then. When he turned fifteen, he learned how dangerous it was to have the right of reading books being taken away when Hitler began to burn books. You could not be a part of any civilization and you were not educated. Bradbury published the first version of Fahrenheit 451 in February 1951 and was living in Los Angeles with no money. Then, he visited UCLA and found a room with typewriters to rent at ten cents an …show more content…

He added more to the novel as characters began to come into his life such as Mildred, the fire chief, and Clarisse. Reading Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 it is evident to see that Bradbury fully believes that society will become more and more ignorant without knowledge. Bradbury’s novel predicts what the world would become if we discontinue taking in knowledge and focus on more irrelevant parts of life. He demonstrates this in the novel with the creation of the character Mildred who spends the majority of her time sitting down and watching television. Mildred deems her life to be miserable and eventually commits suicide proving how unhappy and discontent she was with her life. She had the freedom or liberty to want to change, but she was exposing herself to things, like the television, that she was not gaining knowledge with. On the other hand, the creation of Clarisse, which Bradbury believes to be is the essence of life, demonstrates a positive way of living. Proving that Ray Bradbury deems knowledge to be more fundamentally important for a good life over liberty, "There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading

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