
Korea: Revolution for Freedom Essay

Decent Essays

Korea had been known for revolting against domestic and foreign problems because of the desired to become a better country. Chon Pongjun in 1894 wrote, “A Call to Arms at Paeksan” exclaiming that citizens of Korea should rise up and save the people who are suffering. In addition, the Tonghak created “The Tonghak Proclamation to Soldiers and Civilians” claiming that Koreans in general should rise together to revolt against Japan. Then in 1960, Yi Sujong wrote, “Declaration of the Seoul National University Students Association” claiming that students will not allow the Korea government’s rulers to dictate Korea and they will bring down the regime. Even though the three sources are from different time periods and authors, their goal is to …show more content…

al, 263) Pongjun believed that if his revolution is accomplished, Korea will become a stronger country than what it is currently because there will be no more rulers to hinder the country. In addition, there will be new rulers who will prevent foreign enemies from controlling Korea. Even though Pongjun, a Tonghak, started his revolution with the citizens of Paeksan, the Tonghak continued their revolution to others. The Tonghak in the city of Kongju established a revolution to unite Koreans together to revolt against Japanese imperialism because some Koreans were sided with the Japanese. The Tonghak claimed, “We had to raise the Righteous Army to exterminate the Japanese. […] the entire nation is in serious danger” (Tonghak, et. al, 267). The Tonghak believed that Japan was the enemy that is hurting Korea and as a result, they decided to take arms and revolt. They name their army the Righteous Army because they believed they had the right to take action against the Japanese. Although the Tonghak are fighting for Korea independence from Japan, some Koreans are fighting alongside with the Japanese. Therefore, Tonghak preached, “it is not our intention that we Koreans should fight among ourselves. […] we are one in anti-Japanese and Chinese sentiment” (Tonghak et. al, 267) The Tonghak claimed that their revolution is not to kill Koreans but the Japanese. They

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