
Kurt Vonnegut's The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Decent Essays

Kurt Vonnegut’s 1969 novel is based on a man named Billy Pilgrim who is an anti-war hero; he was the most unprepared soldier of them all and was considered a joke. Pilgrim was scrawny and tall; going into the war he did not have any proper equipment. Throughout the story Billy is time traveling due to the fact the he was abducted by aliens known as the Tralfamadorians. Since Billy has been through so many time periods and knows how certain situations turn out he is very content with his life and is fearless. Billy tries to tell his family and the world about this experience; but of course, no one believes him. Other characters are very minor and only come out when Billy is in a certain time period. He was married to a woman named Valencia …show more content…

The theme or plot structure here is going through time but already knowing what the future holds, in the book The Five People You Meet in Heaven, there are some similar qualities. This takes place in the 1920s with an 83 year old man named Eddie who’s job is maintaining rides at an amusement park. In this Eddie risks his life in order to save a little girl who was in danger while on a ride, there were others on the ride too and luckily they got out safe. He saved these people on the day of his birthday, but unfortunately, it would be his last. Eddie makes his way to heaven, but has to meet five people in order to know how this was his fate. A “blue man” would guide him to the people he would be encountering. “Each of us was in your life for a reason” (Mitch 21). Just as each person Billy met in his lifetime served a purpose. Without Roland Weary Billy would not have lived, and without the people Eddie met he would not have faced his true fate. Vonnegut and Mitch both created excellent themes by taking a different path with their use of time travel and symbolism for each event that occurred in these men

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