
Kushtaka Vs Otterman

Satisfactory Essays

There are many versions of the Kushtaka or Otterman stories. In some, they are kind and helpful while in others they are menacing tricksters that try to lure sailors to their deaths, people near the shore into the water, and small children into their clutches to steal their souls by turning them into Kushtakas. Part of the legend says Kushtakas make a high pitched whistle – low, high, then low again. It’s also said they can be driven away with copper, urine, and sometimes fire. Overall the Otterman’s goal seems to be to turn humans into more Kushtakas/ Ottermen. That’s where the terror comes into the story because according to Tlingit tradition, in order to be reincarnated and eventually reach everlasting life in the hereafter, one must be

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