
Kyle Cooper Role Model

Decent Essays

Introduction Kyle Cooper is one of the most prominent and influential designers of both the 20th and 21 centuries. As Jon M. Gibson says, his title sequences have, “…brought attention to an art form that has long been considered an afterthought…”. With more than 150 title sequences, five Emmy nominations, the Title of Honorary Royal Designer and the winner of the AIGA medal in 2014, it’s not hard to see why this statement is veridic.

Pre Se7en Era As a child Cooper was highly influenced by American horror films and horror comic books, which lead over to an obsession over sketching monsters with excruciatingly high detail, an important trait that would be reflected later on in the creation of his title sequences in the future. Not only that, but he also spent a lot of his time trying to understand the mechanics of how different things worked, going so far as to read medical journals in his spare time to understand the human body and its different functions. It didn’t stay this way …show more content…

He continued to develop his style by continuing to use this new typographic language into something more than text, by doing so Cooper, “…transformed the written word into a performer.” This is important to note because it is not only text that interacts in with the visuals, but because it goes alongside the film’s symbolism, something of vital importance in Cooper’s designs. An example can be made by looking at The Mummy’s title sequence, where Cooper uses Egyptian hieroglyphs and combines elements of it to actual roman lettering in vertical and horizontal lettering. However, typography is not all that matters in his designs. By intensive research, Cooper satisfies his need to comprehend and absorb every detail that can be seen, going so far as to collect and keep 50 spiders as pets to be able to photograph and study for his work in Spider-Man

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