
Lab Report On Calorimetry

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Calorimetry Lab Calorimetry is the science of measuring the change in heat absorbed or released during a chemical reaction. The change in heat can tell us if the reaction is either exothermic - it released or heat into surroundings, or endothermic - it absorbed heat from surroundings. The device used to measure calorimetry is a calorimeter. A calorimeter can range from very expensive lab ones to coffee styrofoam cups but they are all tightly sealed in order to prevent heat from escaping.
In order to measure the heats of reactions, add the reactants into the calorimeter and measure the difference between the initial and final temperature. The temperature difference helps us calculate the heat released or absorbed by the reaction. The equation for calorimetry is q=mc(ΔT). ΔT is the temperature change, m is the mass, c is the specific heat capacity of the solution, and q is the heat transfer. Given that the experiment is operated under constant pressure in the lab, the temperature change is due to the enthalpy of the reaction, therefore the heat of the reaction can be calculated. In this lab, there are two days. In the first day, there are is part A and part B. Part A is further divided into three experiments. In experiment one, we were to figure out the heat capacity of the calorimeter that we made. The next two experiment’s goal was to calculate the enthalpy of 2 reactions and using hess’s law, figure out the heat of formation of magnesium oxide. In a reaction, there are

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